Saturday, 28 February 2009

Sungai Lembing Tin Mines

Once a glorious town that was bustling all the time, Sungai Lembing has come a long way. The river water and rainfall gather into a basin in this unique valley where huge quantities of tin ore have been found. This kind of volume made commercial mining viable in the area.

Back in the days after WWII, demand for tin was high and the British miners, wanting to make the most of it, dug and dug and finally reached depths of almost 600m!
This alone is a notable achievement.

Along with hard work at the tin mines, the townsfolk also knew how to party hearty and have fun! Cheap alcohol and great nightlife were available at Sungai Lembing during the 1950s.
The success of the town lasted 20 years but came to an abrupt end when recession hit in the 1970s.

Today the mines are closed and the shafts have been flooded. Nothing much is left except for the town square, some shops and a single lonely red British postbox.
While the town is still open to visitors, it is plain that Sungai Lembing has seen a great deal and will never be the same again.
Give us your views on what must be tried, seen, eaten, or just say something about this place.